Users are able to upload their own music videos while others are able to view and rate the videos. The videos with the highest ratings are selected and played on loop on the main music channel which runs like a radio station and loops continually when users log into it.
Users upload there own animation videos, which are catagorised into genres. These genres make a number of different channels that other users can watch. They are played for a certain amount of time and then they get taken down and popular animations can be archived for viewers to watch when they want.
Website where people apply to jobs and give and receive interviews via videos they upload to the site. Employees place adds with the site and set up questions they would like to be asked with it and users who are registered can upload a video of themselves answering the questions posted. Interviews are archived for interviewers and interviewees to use later on.
Trained psychiatrists post shows on the site relating to certain issues. The shows are categorised into certain issues so that users can easily log onto the channels they wish. Users are able to leave comments, questions and answers.
Online spin off for all reality shows. Past contestants get their 15 minutes of fame and make shows about certain subjects for fans and other viewers to watch. The shows are played at set times on one channel and users can comment, rate and post there own shows.
Networking site where there are competitions for users to film themselves doing random things that other viewers rate and vote for depending on whether or both they like them. Hall of fame for the winners of each event and there are higher leagues for people who win minor events.
Site where people upload there own sports games for other people to watch. They are played on one channel and viewers vote for there favourites.
Shows about students and made for students shows to help people going through similar issues. Part of Facebook and links off from it so all the functions associated with Facebook can be used for this part of the site.
Shows uploaded by people travelling and are categorised into different regions around the world for others to watch. Set out like a map and people are able to "follow" people who are travelling and uploading videos.
Linked to the online site for all shop. Contains review shows and information about the shop and new clothes etc. Area for people to make a virtual version of themselves so that they can try on clothes from the selection to see how they would look. Trying on clothes online
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